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Paine College Issues Updates in the Wake of the Coronavirus Outbreak

March 11, 2020

Remote Delivery will Continue through Spring Semester

Paine College Parents and Students:

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate through unchartered waters. As the Coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) becomes more widespread throughout the nation and in the state of Georgia, Paine College is taking aggressive steps to ensure the health and well-being of our students, faculty and staff. Paine will continue to follow the guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and state and local Departments of Public Health.

Paine College has embraced ‘social distancing' and will continue to provide course instruction via remote delivery for the remainder of the spring semester. Final exams will be conducted in a virtual environment.

The Commencement Convocation will be postponed until December 2020. Baccalaureate service will take place Saturday, December 5th, and the Commencement Convocation will occur Sunday, December 6th.  This will allow those who complete requirements in December to participate in the graduation exercise rather than wait until May 2021. In addition, the Golden Alumni Reunion Class of 1970 and other alumni classes in reunion will be invited to participate in the Commencement Convocation and weekend of activities.


The Office of Residential Life will provide specific dates and times to retrieve your personal belongings from campus housing.  Move out will commence Saturday, March 28, 2020 through Sunday, April 5, 2020. Our priority is focused on protecting your health and well-being. Upon your arrival on campus, you will be required to produce a photo I.D. at one of the three checkpoints. At the checkpoints, you will be given additional instructions and an Information Packet. 

Residential students' accounts will be credited for "Room and Board" applicable to the period of displacement.  Any resulting in a net credit (after institutional aid adjustments) will be carried forward and applied to Fall 2020 charges.  Refunds will not be given unless it is determined that a residential student has graduated, or does not return in the Fall 2020 semester. Refunds owed to students who do not return in the Fall will not be processed until registration closes in the Fall.


I encourage you to read and review the Paine College Move Out Plan that is attached or click here

In the event you should have questions or need additional information, please contact a staff member in the Office of Student Affairs.

For matters concerning academics, please contact the Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs at: (706) 821-8312,

For issues concerning connectivity to remote classes and technical matters, please contact the Office of Information Technology Services at: (706) 396-7112,

Paine College will not be closed. The College will continue to operate under a modified operations schedule. Administrators, faculty and staff will continue to manage their respective departments. Additional information will be shared with staff regarding alternative work hours under separate cover and via email.

We encourage the Paine College Family to check the College's website for updates that may occur in the Academic Calendar, and for changes surrounding activities and events.  The Office of Communications and Marketing shall remain open and available to respond to general inquiries at (706) 821-8323, or contact Helene Carter via email:

We are Paine College Strong!

Dr. Cheryl Evans Jones, President

Paine College


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